Christmas & New Year 2022/23 Close
Monday 26th December 2022 CLOSED
Tuesday 27th December 2022 CLOSED
Monday 2nd January 2023 CLOSED
When We Are Closed

If you require urgent medical assistance outside of normal surgery hours please call 111. NHS Direct Wales and your local GP out-of-hours service now share this easy to remember number. It is free and will help you find the right advice, support and treatment
111 Service Frequently asked questions
More details on OOHs GP and Pharmacy Services
Out-of-hours services are generally busy so please think carefully before asking to see a doctor and only do so if you genuinely cannot wait until the surgery re-opens.
We participate in the Gwent Emergency Health Record. This means when you attend the out-of-hours service the doctor treating you with your permission will have access to essential patient information that will help them make informed decisions about diagnosis treatment and follow-up care.
In a genuine life threatening emergency you should call 999 immediately